The Importance of Blogging for SEO

The Importance of Blogging for SEO

Perhaps the most useful thing about blogging is that it can get you free advertising when done right. Considering that 53% of today’s marketers rank content as their number one priority, it is surprising that there are so many companies not jumping on the website...
The Importance of Website Backups

The Importance of Website Backups

Just like the insurance premium that you pay for coverage on your business’s assets, it’s important to consider insurance for your online presence: your website. Website backups are essential to running a successful WordPress site, giving your site a safety net should...
4 Key Principles of Good Website Design

4 Key Principles of Good Website Design

A multi-year trend shows the percentage of offline Americans continues to shrink, down from 48% to 11% between 2000–2018. Not having a website, or worse, having a poorly designed website, means not reaching 89% of Americans. As an entrepreneur, a website is one of the...
Crucial Aspects of a Good Website Design

Crucial Aspects of a Good Website Design

How important is website design? Well, a study found that 94% of negative website feedback was design related. Effective website design will impress your potential customers and encourage them to browse your products or services. A poorly designed website will harm...
Is Direct Mail Marketing Dead?

Is Direct Mail Marketing Dead?

It’s a digital marketing world today, right? So why would a company even bother sending out those direct mail packages in the hopes of garnering business? Isn’t snail mail a thing of the past? You may be surprised; direct mail marketing is still a viable and effective...
SEO or PPC: Which is Better for a Small Business?

SEO or PPC: Which is Better for a Small Business?

It can be a little overwhelming for small business owners to find the perfect mix of digital marketing tactics. You have to meet your budget needs while getting the best ROI. You’ve probably heard murmurs (or shouts) about the power of SEO and PPC but are unsure which...
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