

This program is designed to quickly get a business more exposuremore traction, and ultimately more leads. The following is a comprehensive list of initial and ongoing activity that comprises the Jumpstart Program.

  • Two in-person or virtual sessions to conduct discovery and research and present initial strategy priorities.Conduct initial Strategy and Content Planning Meetings 
  • List of key themes that will be the focus of any content and SEO opportunities.Develop keyword content plan
  • Develop content topics spreadsheet for the upcoming quarter.Create editorial calendar
  • Two 500-700 word blog posts taken from key content themes, posted to WordPress and optimized for search engines.Write and post two blog submission per month
  • Handcrafted posts are taken from client’s content, the list of industry influencers and proven engagement tactics to stimulate social media growth, activity, and engagement.Publish 20 social media updates across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn per month 
  • Install Facebook Pixel on client website and create target audience and protocol for boosted posts.Establish Facebook Content Amplification protocol
  • Discover and enhance relevant local and industry-related directories and create consistent profiles across all.Claim, create and submit directory profiles
  • Ongoing process of optimizing directory profiles and promoting campaigns that help raise directory profiles in search engines.Monitor and manage directory opportunities
  • Add a monthly newsletter based on the blog content you are producing which can be used as a lead generation tool.Email Marketing
  • Develop a process to aggressively stimulate reviews to Google and other review sites including a review only web page and process to enhance and support increased Create and integrate robust rating and review web page and process
  • Creation of a client dashboard to monitor growth and improvement in key indicators such as website traffic, social metrics, reviews, and keyword ranking.Create key metrics dashboard
  • Monthly status check in and reporting to gauge and adjust progress and tactics.Report on key performance metrics monthly
  • Quarterly in person or virtual session to plan upcoming content themes, adjust and add new tactics.Conduct quarterly review meeting
  • Quality organic SEO using Google best practices includes up to 100 keyword phrases.Organic Search Engine Optimization

Things To Know About Marketing Jumpstart

Online marketing is not just implementing individual service items like SEO or Blog Writing. It needs to be done as more of a holistic approach or many related services that work together to produce positive results.

By using an arsenal of tools that are working together we can obtain very good results, much quicker, by using different platforms like Google search, Social Media, Blog writing, Review Management, & Call Tracking.

  • Google My Business Optimization
  • Organic Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Posting
  • Blog Writing
  • Review Management

When we can strategize directly with our client, review their website and marketing goals, learn about their business or industry before jumping right into the marketing the chances of being successful are much higher.

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to online marketing and doing it correctly, so with the correct strategy in place and a system like the Marketing Jumpstart we are able to show measurable results.

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